Friday, April 3, 2009

Report: 101 Hebronites taken by Israeli troops during March; 361 since Jan 1

Date: 03 / 04 / 2009 Time: 14:21

Hebron – Ma’an – One-hundred and one Hebronites were taken by Israeli troops from their homes, shops and public streets during the month of March, the Palestinian Prisoners society said Friday.

In its monthly report the society noted that since the start of 2009, at least 361 individuals from Hebron were taken by Israeli troops. In February there were 91 detentions.

Among those arrested this month, according to Head of the prisoners’ society Amjad An-Najjar were:
Former prisoner Seham Al-Hayh, 31
11 hospital patients
4 children
17 students

An additional 12 from Hebron were taken from custody where they were being held without charges and put into administrative detention.

“The Israeli army committed many violations against the detainees and their families including,” An-Najjar said. Among other crimes he said, the “attacked detainees with rifle butts, detonated explosive devices in their homes, confined family members to one room while interrogating the detainee, stole money during detention campaigns, took personal documents and stole computers and mobile phones.”

He demanded human rights organizations and the International community intervene to protect residents of the West Bank’s largest city from the illegal actions of the soldiers.